Mark McMillan


What I Do

I make web applications with the users in mind. I strive to create clear, concise, and functional tools.

What I Love

The outdoors are a huge part of who I am, and I love to capture a bit of nature.

See what I love

How I got here

Lots of mistakes, lots of hard work, and the help of great friends have gotten me to where I am today.

See how I got here




Jul 2021 - Jan 2024

Shinydocs is where I bolstered my development skills in a number of ways.

  • I took on a new level of responsibility leading front end development (Typescript, React.js, React Router, Tailwind CSS, C#, .Net Framework) for the Enterprise Search module of the Shinydocs Pro product.
  • Leading development gave me the opportunity to work with project managers to produce great solutions with excellent user experience.
  • I laid the foundation for the data management module with ease of use and simplicity in mind. Our clients loved the improvement to their workflow with the new module installed.
  • Earning certification in Scrum/Agile methodology honed my skills at being an active scrum master.
  • With a greater understanding and awareness of best practises I was better equipped to facilitate development for my team, and ensure my team worked well with other teams within the company.


NOV 2018 - AUG 2019

During my time at WrightPlan I was fortunate enough to work on optimizing and modernizing some of their existing features.

  • Updating the scheduling data structure, I was able to improve initial load time by 50%
  • Converting legacy ASP.NET web forms, I brought modern designs and functionality to existing features.
Core 7 Technologies (Officetrax)

MAR 2016 - OCT 2018

As my first position out of college, I still had lots to learn. I look back fondly on all the great learning opportunities that I had there. My team-mates created a fantastic environment for learning and growth that I was lucky to take advantage of.

  • Combining user data with Google's Map api, I created a Mapping module which allowed users to visualize where their work was taking place.
  • Integrating weather data, users could see upcoming weather, allowing them to prepare their workers and stores against damage.

I wasn't just a person who codes, I got a chance to be acting scrum master for our team.

  • Inside meetings, I led discussions, kept notes, and made sure the meetings went smoothly and efficiently.
  • Outside of meetings I was the contact for our team, answering questions from other teams.
  • I would also keep track of bugs, fixing them as needed, and delegating when the need arose.
Stantec Consulting

JAN 2015 - MAY 2015

Stantec was my second co-op placement during my time at Conestoga. I got some good insight into converting Visual Basic code into C# code. I rewrote an ArcGIS plugin to better handle errors and issues.

Conestoga College Alumni Department

MAY 2014 - DEC 2014

For my first co-op placement I worked for the Alumni department of Conestoga. I moved the alumni website from an outdated design to the new corporate design. During this time I made sure the site adhered to AODA/WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards. I also got my first taste of collaborating between departments, and development teams.


Conestoga College

Aug 2012 - AUG 2015

Computer Programmer/Analyst

GPA: 3.87


User Experience (UX)

  • Front End Development
  • React.JS, jQuery, Ajax
  • Bootstrap, Material Design

Back End Development

  • C# and Asp.NET (MVC)
  • PHP and Laravel 5
  • REST Web APIs

Mobile Development

  • React Native
  • Some Objective C

Database Design

  • Database Structure
  • MS-SQL, MySQL, Oracle

Drop Me A Line

Send me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!